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The Power of A/B Testing in Marketing

By Nate Riggs on June 17, 2015 in Strategy, Marketing

One of the classic challenges in the marketing world was having the ability to accurately measure the results of your marketing efforts.

Fortunately in our current digital age, virtually every tactic we use can be measured in some way and often...

As Mobile Search Surpasses Desktop, You Should Be Adapting

By Nate Riggs on June 15, 2015 in Strategy, SEO, Marketing

You've been following the news lately.

You've absorbed the news that mobile searches have surpassed desktop in some parts of the world.

Did it really surprise you? Probably not.

A Business Development Tool No Marketing Executive Should Overlook

By Nate Riggs on June 01, 2015 in Content Marketing, Strategy, SEO, Technology, Marketing

Are you building the game plan for your next marketing campaign?

Maybe, you're digging the foundation for your company as a whole.

Whether you're scouting the market for your next big business idea or testing the waters for expansion into a new...