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5 Ideas Marketing Agencies Can Use to Generate Revenue by Helping Clients Blog

By Nate Riggs on February 23, 2010 in Social Media, Strategy, Marketing

We all know why companies (and the humans inside those companies) should be blogging. There is significant qualitative and quantitative information out there making a case for the benefits of having an active and well-produced blog.

Human Branding Part II: Writing a Brand YOU North Star

By Nate Riggs on November 30, 2009 in Strategy

Last week I was delighted that my friend, Bryna Jones, and the good folks at her company, Engine Communications, invited me to write a post on Building Brand YOU.

HubSpot Partner Program - Talking with CEO, Brian Halligan

By Nate Riggs on October 23, 2009 in Social Media, Strategy

Have you heard of HubSpot? If you're on Facebook and your profile contains a few keywords related to marketing or internet, chances are you may have seen a webinar or a banner ad touting the orange logo.