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7 Outcomes of Organizational Communication & Social Media: A Framework

By Nate Riggs on May 10, 2010 in Social Media, Strategy, Marketing

We seem to have been trained to lump all social media into the bucket of marketing and external communication. Why is that?

Leadership Framework for a Dynamic Business Environment

By Nate Riggs on April 02, 2010 in Strategy

Perry Maughmer has become one of my good friends and mentors over the past year. Our meeting in itself is a testament to the serendipity that happens every day on the social web. Perry's ideas and concepts have led to some of the thinking involved...

40 Amazingly Helpful Business Software Tools

By Nate Riggs on March 11, 2010 in Social Media, Strategy, Marketing

One the the coolest and most helpful blog posts I've read recently came from Jason Baer, covering 39 of the tools he uses on a regular basis for his business and online life.