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What You Need to Know Creating a jQuery Modal Popover in HubSpot COS

By Nate Riggs on November 17, 2015 in HubSpot

Disclaimer: This is not a post all about how to "block popups".

Despite the fact that Google records 2300 searches a month of some version of "how to block popups", they still tend to convert pretty well. This group of studies done in 2014 saw...

Ohio Inbound Marketing Day - A Full Day of Inbound Marketing Education

By Nate Riggs on October 19, 2015 in HubSpot, Marketing

If you are a HubSpot user or inbound marketer, you may have heard of or attended the INBOUND conference in Boston, Massachusettes. Held annually, this event spans several days and includes workshops, speakers, and education all centered around...

Meet the October Columbus HUG Presenters: Tim Farrel & Erica Malone

By Nate Riggs on October 15, 2015 in HubSpot, Marketing

On this month's Columbus HUG webcast, we are proud to feature Tim Farrel and Erica Malone of Conrad Phillips Vutech. Their presentation will demonstrate how their agency works to design and launch content offers for themselves and their clients that...