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HubSpot's New Predictive Lead Scoring Tool

By Nate Riggs on October 09, 2015 in HubSpot

We are still coming down from the high that is the annual HubSpot Inbound conference - with its thousands of eager attendees, prolific speakers, endless networking opportunities, and of course, new product announcements.

One of the most intriguing...

What is a HubSpot User Group (HUG)?

By Nate Riggs on June 08, 2015 in HubSpot

So you've heard about the monthly HUG meetings in your city.

You know they are about marketing something-or-other. Or perhaps your company or client just started using HubSpot.

So what does a Hubspot User Group (HUG) meeting entail? And do you need...

So, What is HubSpot?

By Nate Riggs on June 03, 2015 in HubSpot, Marketing

Inbound marketing is the golden child of the marketing world and for good reason - it is a proactive and fundamental shift that matches the way consumers want to learn about products and interact with businesses.

For more insight into this shift,...