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Marketing a Specialized Product In a Crowded Industry

By Nate Riggs on February 27, 2015 in Podcasts

According to statista.com, there are now about 50,000 stores that are considered to be part of the US coffee and snack shop industry. These stores combine for a total revenue of over 27 billion dollars.

Strategies for Tackling Organizational Change Management

By Nate Riggs on February 06, 2015 in Podcasts

According to Forrester Research, 70% of organizational change management initiatives fail. That means 2 out of 3 attempts at change, whether that change constitutes a new systematic process or a new organizational structure, do not work out. But is...

What is the Impact of Event Marketing on Today's Brands?

By Nate Riggs on January 30, 2015 in Podcasts

According to EventTrack 2014, a report published by the Event Marketing Institute, event marketing is one of the world's fastest growing forms of marketing.

While events and trade shows are not new concepts in the marketing realm, changing...