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6 Critical Insights to Hiring a Keynote Speaker for Your Event

By Nate Riggs on April 05, 2016 in Marketing

Planning a networking event is a huge undertaking. There are endless details to double check, vendors to chase down, and a budget to maintain.

Amongst all of this, you may be faced with the arduous task of booking a keynote speaker.

If you've ever...

How to Join the National Speakers Association, and Why You Should

By Nate Riggs on March 22, 2016 in Marketing

For any of you who read this and know me personally, you know that I have been speaking on and off since 2009.  
It was actually my friend Mike Bowers who gave me my first shot on the conference stage, back during the early days of the social...

4 Great Digital Marketing Strategies by Columbus Nonprofits

By Nate Riggs on February 09, 2016 in Marketing

The nonprofit business space is very different from a for-profit business. Not only does it make money differently and have different goals, a nonprofit has a very particular image to uphold. Marketing for a company whose success is not measured by...