Quiet Brainwork

Marketing a Specialized Product In a Crowded Industry

Written by Nate Riggs | February 27, 2015

According to statista.com, there are now about 50,000 stores that are considered to be part of the US coffee and snack shop industry. These stores combine for a total revenue of over 27 billion dollars.

Restaurants are one of many specialized products. Discover trends that are still being used in restaurant marketing.

And those numbers are just for the US alone, never mind the crowded international market, where Starbucks by itself has over 9,000 stores outside of the US. All of these stores and specialty coffee brands mean competition in a crowded soft commodity market. What positions a coffee company to be unique and stand out?

Coffee culture and the market of coffee has changed drastically in the last 25 years: many consumers are no longer content to drink instant coffee from home; instead, they seek out specialty coffee and coffee beverages from their local coffee shops or large national chains. This industry-wide shift has led to the proliferation of the specialty coffee house and has permanently altered the coffee market.

I wanted to see what it takes to stand out in a crowded market, and what it takes to effectively market a specialized product, or specialty coffee company, that will stand out among the competition. Is it taste? Is location key? What are the main factors to success? This week's guest is a Columbus marketer who is very well versed in navigating and marketing a specialized product in the crowded coffee market industry.

Building a Brand In the Coffee Market

In episode #008 of the Columbus Marketing Show, I welcome Greg Ubert, President and Founder of Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea in Columbus, Ohio.

Greg received his education at Harvard University, where he earned a Bachelor's in Economics. He left a career in software and came to Columbus where his passion for specialty coffee took flight.

Greg has built Crimson Cup and Coffee & Tea into the thriving business it is today: there is a brick and mortar store in the Columbus neighborhood of Clintonville, the Crimson brand is sold at coffee shops, universities, and many other places nationwide, and Crimson also engages in coffee consulting-helping independent coffee shops both open and thrive. Greg's book, Seven Steps to Success in the Specialty Coffee Industry, expands on this process.

Greg stopped by the studio to discuss the challenges of coffee marketing and to share some of his own expertise on how to succeed in such a crowded commodities market. Go ahead, turn up the speakers, click play and enjoy episode #008 of The Columbus Marketing Show!

What You'll Learn During the Interview

  • The reasons why Greg chose the dynamic industry of coffee
  • The evolution of coffee and coffee culture
  • The complexities of the international coffee industry
  • What factors led Greg to writing Seven Steps to Success in Specialty Coffee
  • The importance of innovation as it relates to growth in the marketplace
  • Learning from coffee shops that have failed: don’t make the same mistakes
  • The differences between Crimson Cup and how a franchise works
  • The necessity of grassroots marketing and community connections
  • The next wave of coffee trends including nitrogen and dry hops

[tweetthis]On #coffee#marketing: "They can create a better community with a coffee house" via @crimsoncup[/tweetthis]

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Show Resources and Notes

For all things coffee related, check out Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea's website, where they have a wide variety of resources, including coffee products and blends, information on specialty coffees, and resources for those wishing to open up a coffee house of their own and are curious to learn more. They also have a blog that offers up the latest in coffee trends, drinks, and news.

For a sneak peak and chance to buy Greg Ubert's book, Seven Steps to Success in the Specialty Coffee Industry, take a look. The book highlights a seven step process to opening an independent coffee shop, covering such important factors as location and hiring and training a great staff.