Quiet Brainwork

Live From Content Marketing World: Sally Hogshead on The Power of Story

Written by Nate Riggs | September 07, 2011

You hear me talk about the new art and science of content marketing a lot on nateriggs.com.

The truth of it is, Joe Pulizzi is the Godfather who not only created that term and the buzz behind it, but with it, an entire industry focused on teaching savvy old-school marketers the new rules of how messages reach audiences today.

Joe's co-author Robert Rose sums it up one of the present day challenges around this new idea of content marketing in that being able to step outside the safety of traditional forms of marketing like advertising and push messaging is like learning to flex a new muscle. I get that statement. For one, learning to flex a new muscle is painful and slow at first, and takes committed attention and lots of work. When you apply those elements across time, that same new muscle grows stronger.

Content marketing comes with learning new principles and strategies that change the game. Marketing is no longer simply about winning the Four P's or finite campaigns. Marketing is moving into a world where the stories that surround your brand, products and services now drive everything

The Power of Story

I was delighted to learn that Sally Hogshead was added to the speaking bill last minute. I first saw her talk at a transportation industry conference in St. Pete back in 2007 and have been a huge fan of her work since.

Her talk at Content Marketing World absolutely delivered on my already high expectations. In fact, I believe that her work related to developing the FScore Brand Personality Test is a critical tool in changing how outbound human personas will change the corporate brand marketing landscape as evangelists. It's absolutely groundbreaking work seems to be a highly relevant continuation of ideas that folks like Carl Jung, Katharine Cook Briggs, Isabel Briggs Myers would applaud.

Sally has spent the past five years in intense academic and practical research around the idea of what it is that fascinates us as humans. That same fascination causes us to buy and recommend products, share our moment of truth experiences with our friends, and hold brands as iconic. In her talk and book, Sally outlines 7 triggers that drive our fascination. I've already bought my copy and intend to read it right away in hopes of applying her thinking to our work at Bob Evans.

  1. Power - Take command
  2. Passion - Attract with emotion
  3. Mystique - Arouse curiosity
  4. Prestige - Increase respect
  5. Alarm - Create urgency
  6. Rebellion - Change the game
  7. Trust - Build loyalty

This is a clip from her presentation today at the inaugural Content Marketing World conference in Cleveland, Ohio. Hat tips to Joe and the entire Content Marketing Institute and Junta42 team for opening this conference with a shockwave of new and forward thinking education.


What's your take on being fascinated? Is this how you are hardwired?