Quiet Brainwork

Is Disruptive Technology Adoption Accelerating?

Written by Nate Riggs | April 16, 2012

As far as disruptive technology adoption goes, it seems like web users have flocked towards Pinterest like grade school kids flock towards the sound of an ice-cream truck driving through the neighborhood on a hot summer day.

According to some research from popular search analytics tool Compete, Pinterest had amazing performance during the month of January 2012, attracting over 11 million unique visitors to the site on January 20, 2011 alone. All in all, the number of unique visitors to Pinterest grew 54.6% in January, over December 2011 levels.

It seems as if 2012 continued the insane trajectory for the new visual network.

Hmmm. Ever wonder why such a steep grade?

If you recall, we might have said the same thing about Google+ 6-8 months ago, too, when that network raced from zero to over 20 million users looked much like a walk in the park for Google's social networking playground.

Then again, how many of you already had Gmail addresses by the time that social network rolled out? And, how many of you are spending a lot of time there these days?

Steep Grades, Sharp Curves

Internet connected devices show us another aspect of disruptive technology adoption. I found this chart on mobile technology adoption by Business Insider fascinating as well. Not surprising at all, but fascinating none the less.

With each new device, it appears that the adoption cycle get's just a little shorter, right?

It took us a few decades to get our heads around personal computers, yet our love and trust in Smartphones took about two-thirds the time. While tablets are still new, look how at how steep that the grade is on that curve!

We Humans and Disruptive Technology Adoption

Facebook has taken since 2005 to reach its mass - a mass that is projected to be over 1 billion users by August of this year. That one's a special kind of viral.

After only a few years, Instagram touted more than 30 million users before it pushed its application to Android users. Within the last week, it's been reported that over 5 million more users have been added as a result of that release.

It seems that as we get more used to disruptive technology adoption, we adopt at a faster rate.

This question is earnest, and I'd like to know what you think. Is our tendency toward disruptive technology adoption accelerating? Why or why not?

Let me know what you think in the comments, okay?